Many women with difficult circumstances see abortion as their only option when it comes to an unexpected pregnancy. Before you move forward with any choice, you should educate yourself about the different types of abortion and how each of them are performed, as not all abortion options are the same. Learn more about abortion procedures below, then call DAZZ at 843-225-3010 today to schedule a free consultation on your pregnancy options with a member of our staff.

Are You Really Pregnant?
The first thing you need to know when thinking about your pregnancy options is if you’re really pregnant at all. You also need to know how far along your pregnancy is in weeks. The age of your pregnancy determines what options are available to you and how you can proceed.
At DAZZ, we can help you answer both questions. We provide free and confidential pregnancy testing and free verification ultrasounds to tell you with certainty whether you’re pregnant and how far along you are. This is the only way to be sure and make a fully informed decision about your pregnancy.
Abortion Procedures in the First Trimester
If you do decide on abortion early on, there are several abortion methods available in the first trimester:
RU486, Mifepristone: (Abortion Pill)
RU486, commonly known as mifepristone or the abortion pill, is approved for use in women up to 10 weeks after the first day of their last period. This abortion method usually takes two office visits. On the first visit, you will be given pills to terminate your pregnancy. The first pill, mifepristone, deprives the fetus of nutrients and oxygen, causing it to detach from your body. You will also be given another drug called misoprostol to be taken two days later, which causes cramping and uterine contractions to expel the fetus from your body.
Both pills are typically given to you during your first visit, although some doctors may have you come back to their office to receive the second pill, as they are taken at different times. Finally, you will need to get an ultrasound at a follow-up appointment to verify that the procedure is complete. While some abortionists may not offer a follow-up visit, it is highly recommended that you request one to ensure that nothing remains in your uterus to cause infection.
Side effects of the abortion pill can include painful cramps and heavy bleeding that can last for several days, as well as headaches, nausea, and flu-like symptoms.
Manual Vacuum Aspiration
Unlike RU486, Manual Vacuum Aspiration is a surgical abortion method that is immediately effective but also much more invasive. MVA can only be performed early in your pregnancy – typically within the first 12 weeks of your pregnancy.
In this procedure, a long, thin tube is inserted into your uterus. The doctor then attaches a syringe to the end of the tube and suctions the fetus out. MVA can cause discomfort, cramping and bleeding. You may also need a second appointment for ultrasound verification that your pregnancy was terminated. Most MVA procedures only take 10 to 15 minutes, but appointments can last up to two hours to allow for monitoring and recovery. Side effects of this procedure can include abdominal cramping, pain, and heavy bleeding.
Abortion Procedures in the Second and Third Trimesters
These abortion methods are generally reserved for when your pregnancy is further along and more advanced. They require significantly more preparation and are more invasive and expensive.
Suction and Curettage
Suction and Curettage is the most common surgical abortion procedure. It can be performed later into your pregnancy than MVA or RU486 (up to 14 weeks after your last menstrual period).
First, the doctor will manually open your cervix using a device called a tenaculum and several absorbent rods. This must be done in order to allow the fetus to be removed. Opening the cervix can be painful, so most doctors will use local or general anesthetics to prevent discomfort. After the doctor opens your cervix, he or she will insert a plastic tube into your uterus, and then connect this tube to a suction machine in order to remove the fetus from your uterus. The doctor may also use a curette — a thin, loop-shaped instrument— to scrape remaining tissue out of the uterus.
The procedure may take as little as 15 minutes, but you may need to spend several hours at the clinic for observation and recovery. You may also need to take antibiotics after the procedure to prevent infection. Suction and curettage also commonly causes cramps, bleeding, and abdominal tenderness for several days after the procedure.
Dilation and Evacuation
Dilation and Evacuation (D&E) can be performed up to 21 weeks after your last period; however, South Carolina bans abortions after 20 weeks, except for cases where the mother’s life is in danger. At this point in pregnancy, your fetus will be too large for a suction machine to function properly. As a result, your doctor will need to first dilate your cervix extensively. One method for doing this is using thin, absorbent rods that expand over time. These rods are inserted into your cervix one or two days before your abortion procedure, where they are allowed to swell and dilate your cervix.
On the day of your procedure, your doctor will first give you a local or general anesthetic to prevent discomfort. Then he or she will use a tenaculum and cone-shaped rods to further dilate your cervix. Once your cervix is stretched open, the doctor will use a suction tube, a curette, and sometimes forceps to remove the fetus from your uterus.
D&E procedures can take 15 to 30 minutes to complete, and require several hours of recovery afterward. They also commonly result in nausea, bleeding, and cramping for days or weeks after the procedure. In some cases D&E can result in damage to your uterine lining or cervix, which may make it harder for you to become pregnant in the future. It’s important to have follow-up visits with your doctor after your procedure to ensure you are healthy.
Make Sure You’re Informed
Abortion isn’t a simple, risk-free procedure. All abortion methods take time and may have varying side effects. If you want to learn more about these procedures and your other pregnancy options, visit DAZZ. We offer confidential consultations at no cost to you in order for you to understand your pregnancy options and be empowered to make the best choice regarding your pregnancy and yourself. Call us today at 843-225-3010 or visit us online to schedule your appointment.
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