I think I’m Pregnant. Now What?



Unexpected pregnancy comes with a rush of thoughts and feelings. You’re not alone.  Though you’re the only one who can decide what to do, there are people who can give you info and support as you consider your pregnancy decision.

If you are facing an unplanned pregnancy, we can help you by providing a free pregnancy test, pregnancy options counseling, and answers to your questions about abortion, parenting, and adoption. All our services are free and confidential. Call DAZZ at 843-255-3010 today.

How Do I Know if I’m Pregnant?

If you’ve had sexual intercourse since your last period and are experiencing symptoms of pregnancy, you could be pregnant.

Here are some of the most common signs and symptoms of pregnancy:

  1. Late or Missed Period
  2. Nausea and/or Vomiting
  3. Frequent Urination
  4. Spotting or Cramping
  5. Unexplained Fatigue
  6. Feeling lightheaded or dizzy
  7. Food Cravings or Aversions
  8. Increased Sense of Smell
  9. Darkening of Nipples
  10. Sore, Swollen, or Itchy Breasts

If you think you could be pregnant, the first thing you should do is take a pregnancy test. Pregnancy tests detect the presence of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), a hormone which is only produced by your body when you are pregnant.

Sometimes it can be hard to get a pregnancy test yourself. We offer free pregnancy testing at our clinic in Charleston, SC. Our tests can detect pregnancy as soon as seven days after conception or 21-24 days after your last menstrual period. Call 843-255-3010 to schedule a free and confidential appointment.


What Do I Do if I’m Pregnant?


If you are pregnant, you have three options to consider.


1. Parenting – giving birth and raising the child.

We offer free parenting education, baby items and referrals to state programs like WIC and health care to help you prepare for parenthood. We can also provide you with the pregnancy confirmation form that you will need to enroll in state programs.


2. Abortion – ending the pregnancy

In some cases, we can provide a free ultrasound to confirm a viable pregnancy and estimate how far along you are. Finding out how far along your pregnancy is will determine the type of of abortion you can have. We also offer free consultations with our staff to answer any questions you might have.


3. Adoption – giving birth and placing your child with someone else to raise

If you are not ready to parent, adoption is a loving option. This gives your child a chance at life with a family who has been praying for them. In most cases you can get financial assistance for medical and living expenses along with many other benefits.

We are here to discuss your options and educate you on what you can do as a minor with and without parent consent. We are also here to give you support on how to tell your parents and even your sexual partner.

We never financially benefit from your pregnancy decision. We are here to give you judgement-free support, resources and encouragement as you consider your options. Call Dazz today at 843-255-3010 to schedule a free and confidential appointment.